
Saturday, March 2, 2013

[SurroundSound] Re: DTS Wav to DVD-A

Hi everyone ,   __
_One of mt methods (already tested...i am a Surround sound/music adicted,,,) :
_ Transcode (split) your dts wavs in 6 mono wavs( using Audio Muxer  or DB PowerAmp_(Split channels)...
_Convert the monos to a superior sample rate( 48 , 88.2 or 96khz ) one by one (DB PAmp) or in Steinberg WaveLab 6 _(  All at a time using Batch Processing method...See Tools>Batch file Encoding  __You can Select your Bit Resolutions/Sample rates  of your saved monos...for ex.16b/48khz or better 24/48/or 24/96khz...)
And now the most important opps are to Remux the mono channels you already saved , together in new audio formats : dolby digital_ac3 /dvd,dts (cpt)/dvd , dts ES Discrete/Matrix ,DtsHd Master audio,High Res ,mlp etc...From my long experience working /testing Audio for many times and a lot of albums already finished , i reccomend you Remuxing your songs in Ac3,Dts EsMatrix and Dts HdMA all together for all the songs , recording the songs on a Dvd R disc playable on a BluRay player and the most Hd Media players(ISO disc)...
So you will have BluRay audio(and video if you want!) burning your albums/music on a Simple DvdR...
__To remux DDigital 5.1 i recc.  Minnetonka Surcode for DDig., Sonic Foundry or Wav to Ac3 remux simple dts(48khz)/dvd - Surcode for remux DtsEs,DtsHdMa, Dts High Res.5.1 to 7.1 etc - DTS Master Audio Suite remux MLP (for DvdAudio) __ use Min.Surcode for Mlp...
__And now...using Audio Muxer soft put first your ac3 songs all at a time (same bit res.and sample rate !!!)>>>select for each one a foto(google/name of pop group/pictures...better a good resolution___Add also a Thumbnail)___and mux all (you can also one by one...) ?to a mkv file(picture hd -720p...btw)
__After muxig the song/s you will have an audio/video mkv file with d.dig. 6ch. sound...
Repeat the operation (remux) all your songs (leave this time default background on Audio Muxer0...
You will have , depending on how many format sounds you want to have on your disc (Dolby Digital_ac3 is anyway Mandatory__to make the disc playable on BluRay Players...) at the end 2 or 3 mkv files (with ac3 ,dts es and dtsHd etc....).
__Now , using tsmuxer soft , drag and drop your mkv s in to the window of the app._select BluRay(for BD discs) and AVCHD (for Dvds)_the audio quality will be the same... (you will have already chapters)...Important : you must to untick the h264 parts of the second and third mkvs_keep only the h264 video of the mkv file with foto backgrounds...  Start muxing !!!
___You will have now two folders  : BDMV and CERTIFICATE _ a nice BluRay structure disc ready to be burned ( i use imgburn / udf 2.5 and always Dvds...I play them on a Samsung BD player or an eGreat  hd media player...
I use also the method to convert all my prefered (stero albums or songs ) to 5.1 or 7.1 hd surr.sound ...(sometimes i combine audio with some video(bonus ,can be 3d also...)
Results are great  ( i use Adobe Audition or WavLab to create 6 or 8 monos from a normal stereo song...
Sound is magnificent !!! (If you work hard on the mono personalised chanels _results are (can be), better then originaly studio surround discs !)...
It is another methot to obtain a BDAudio disc (on a normal DvdR...) with veri nice authoring motion menus and playlists (BRay and Avchd format discs...) !
Thanks and Good Luck my friends !

marți, 5 februarie 2013, 03:16:34 UTC+2, Blackbirdr a scris:
Is there a way to transfer DTS Wav Files to a DVD-A format?

Recently my Acura has been not wanting to play DTS cd's

Also is there a way to transfer dts dvd tracks to a DVD-A as well?

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