
Wednesday, October 3, 2012


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The Detroit Free Press reminds readers the NHL Winter Classic at Michigan Stadium is in jeopardy because of the NHL lockout.

"It's their big showcase event, and they've already sold, as I understand it, between 80,000-90,000 tickets," Michigan athletic director Dave Brandon said this morning on WJR-AM (760). He and Michigan State AD Mark Hollis filled in for the day as sportscasters on the "Paul W. Smith Show." "There's huge interest. Obviously, we're looking forward to hosting it. Until this dispute gets settled, nobody knows whether and if the game's going to get played."

The ADs were discussing a report that the NHL already has lost $100 million because of the canceled preseason.

"I've got to believe the Winter Classic is a leveraging tool in the whole process, because it's something fun the players want to play in, and two, management's going to want to have a revenue source from an event like that," Hollis said.

Ilitch Holdings president and CEO Chris Ilitch was on the show and was asked by Brandon about the status of the NHL labor negotiations. Ilitch made a passing reference to Detroit Red Wings senior vice president Jimmy Devellano's recent comments that earned a $250,000 fine from the NHL.

"Everybody's hopeful -- the players, the team owners, the league (that) we'll get back to playing hockey," Ilitch said. "But as you probably know, the NHL would prefer that we not speak on this topic, since they're right in the middle of trying to work things out. So unfortunately, there's not a lot I can say. There's been fines handed out to team executives. I was saying, 'Geez, oh, petes, you know how many $5 hot-and-ready Little Caesars pizzas we have to sell to pay for those fines? So I'm not saying anything."

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